What I did when my school system`s workstations slowed to a halt - switched to AVG!

Released on: March 5, 2008, 12:02 pm

Press Release Author: Kristin Bostic

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: Why a Missouri school system dumped their resource-hogging
computer security for the lighter, quicker, lower-cost alternative.

Press Release Body: Claremont, NC -March 5th, 2008-Richard Becker is the IT
Administrator for the Osage County School System in Linn, Missouri. When he came on
board four years ago, he quickly found out that he had a mess on his hands. There
were multiple different internet security solutions deployed individually across 325
workstations. Slow performance resulted, cutting student computer time back
significantly. One of the first items on his to-do list was to implement one
security solution for the entire school system.

"Symantec's products were causing some of our workstations to run slower than slow,"
commented Becker. "They were eating up way too much of our systems' resources and
taking away from the already small amount of time students had in the computer labs.
It was also very frustrating and expensive to keep up with their annual license

Osage County Schools is a private school system and, because of financial
constraints, the students' workstations were already resource-limited. "Because of
our tight budget, I only have one other person to help me manage these 325 machines,
as well as keep up with maintenance," said Becker. "The Symantec solution was
causing my patience to wear pretty thin, what with the updating issues and constant
flow of help desk calls as a result of the performance problems."

A couple of years ago, Becker was reading some posts on a technology listserv run by
and for technology coordinators in his area, when he came across references to AVG
Anti-Virus that indicated the product was becoming a preferred security product for
school systems, around the country. The listserv posters were discussing exactly the
same problems that Becker had run into - well-known security products were eating up
all their systems' resources and AVG was like a breath of fresh air - One poster
described it as "nearly invisible" on their workstations by comparison.

When Becker read that AVG also offered two-year licenses, had a lower price point
than the competition, and still provided all the necessary protection and removal
capabilities, he decided he needed to learn more.

"It really sounded as if this product might be the answer to Osage County's computer
security problems," he recalled.

Becker searched around on the Internet, read further into his state listserv, and
found the recommended Education supplier for AVG, Walling Data Systems. Walling
offered a 50% discount to school systems as well as Free and Unlimited US-based
Phone, Remote, and Email support, things Becker could only dream of finding at
Symantec at no charge.

"I contacted Walling Data Systems to learn more about AVG, and to find out more
about purchasing the licenses necessary to support our district," said Becker. "I
used their free remote support offering to help me deploy AVG to all of our
workstations. They couldn't have made it any easier! In no time, we were setup and
protected by AVG, with zero pain on our part."

Now, three years later, Becker reports that Osage County has had zero issues with
the management and maintenance of the AVG Anti-Virus protection. Not only are the
computers running more efficiently now that they are not bogged down by
resource-hungry security products; Becker is also enjoying the more flexible
licensing and the central administration tools that monitor his installation.

"AVG's central administration tools have nice reporting features," he said. "As all
information goes to the AVG server, I can easily track down systems that may be
suspect and respond to issues before the phone rings at the helpdesk. Then, I can
fix the issues from my desk without having to trek across the campus, saving me time
that is already very limited."

Why did Becker choose to purchase AVG through Walling Data Systems? The answer was

"The cost to purchase AVG through Walling Data was lower than through other
distributors, and the fact that they offered Free and Unlimited US-based support was
a huge selling point," he said. "The team at Walling Data Systems provides great
support, from implementation, to general support on through the years of ongoing

Those guys are just wonderful to work with. Our renewal is coming up this spring,
and you bet we'll be renewing it," he said with a grin.

For more information about how to purchase AVG software for education, contact
Walling Data Systems toll free at 866-833-5727 (toll free in the US and Canada),
online at http://www.avg-antivirus.net or by emailing to sales@avg-antivirus.net.

# # #

About Walling Data Systems
Founded in 1994, in North Carolina, Walling Data Systems is a value-added software
distributor and IT Solution Provider offering innovative high-value solutions to
everyday computer security problems for corporate, education, and home technology
users. Walling Data was named an Authorized AVG Distributor in 2004 and is the only
source for unlimited toll free phone, remote support, education discounts, and more
for their AVG customers in the United States, one reason why thousands of education
customers choose Walling as their supplier of choice for AVG products.

About AVG
Founded in 1991 and with offices in the US, UK, and Czech Republic, AVG is a leading
international developer of Internet threat protection solutions for consumers and
SMBs. AVG is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry with more than 60
million active users around the world. The company employs some of the world's
leading experts in Internet security, specifically in the areas of threat research,
analysis and detection. AVG's award-winning products are distributed globally
through resellers and over the Internet as well as via third parties through
Software Developer's Kits (SDK).

Web Site: http://www.avg-antivirus.net

Contact Details: Contact:
Kristin Bostic
(919) 459-8165

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